Your external data protection officer
Do you need an expert to guide you safely
through the maze of data protection legislation?
Once you have identified your data protection needs, we will be happy to support you with advice and practical assistance during the implementation phase. Data protection is a highly complex issue. Each and every country has dozens of legally distinct requirements when it comes to data protection. So an internal data protection officer taking on this role in addition to other duties will frequently struggle to cope with these many requirements.
Outsourcing provides the ideal solution – Veridsb, your external Verimax data protection officer, will always be up to speed on the latest data protection issues and will reliably implement all statutory requirements affecting your company.
Your Veridsb will take on all data protection tasks on your behalf in a solution-driven, team-minded, discreet and reliable manner. He or she will deliver clear, target-actual analyses of your data protection organisation,
create a workable data protection concept, offer practical staff training sessions on current data protection issues and deal with requests for information from the authorities. All within a prompt timeframe and at a fair price. In fact, in most cases the external solution is actually cheaper than the internal equivalent.